Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This made me start a blog. Really.

So, it's around 7 PM PST and, merely an hour ago, Obama concluded a lengthy press conference, addressing not only the economic crisis but questions about stem cell research, AIG bonuses, and being the first African-American president in U.S. history. I tune in to the C-SPAN channels on cable (okay, perhaps a bad idea, I admit) looking for some informed analysis of this presidential conversation. Punching in C-SPAN, I see an empty house of representatives except for two members speaking up front: Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa, 8th District) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota, 6th District). Are they discussing Obama's recent press conference or even the U.S. economy? No. They are spouting off about how Obama as a senator spoke out in favor of partial-birth abortions (using the provisions of "rare" and "medically necessary" I'll have you know). Their outrage then spread to all abortions in general, calling those who want to preserve abortion rights "macabre." Note: This conversation, if you can call it that, was being broadcast live; it wasn't a reply of an earlier discussion.

What the f^&*?!

Is this really all that conservative Republicans have to bring to the table? Some lame version of oh, yeah, those Obamas and Clintons are all baby-killers, for those who may be channel surfing during the commercial breaks in Nancy Grace? We're facing an unprecedented restructuring of our economy, trying to put out fires still smoldering around the world set by the Bush admistration and its "I don't need no stinkin' social skills" international relations, and, "Christian" Republicans, this is really all you've got? To fume out loud because you can't completely control women's bodies? (Although you've tried damn hard, I've gotta hand it to you.)

This is beyond pathetic: It's downright frightening. And the scariest part is, a certain number of those listening who spend their free time in the garage reading Revelations and trying to hunt down connections between sin and sodomy in the Bible are going to suck it right up like jelly.

It's now 7:53 PM and this made me start a blog. Really and truly.


  1. Politics. Republicans. Democrats. Conservatives. Liberals. I refuse to vote. Why? Because I believe that a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. But also because I have heard them campaign on the same issues during each election. They accomplish nothing. The same rhetoric. They never mean what they say. A simple solution would be to cut the purse strings (the real concern). How? Every year you fill out your taxes. Each taxpayer fills in the bubble that says where they want their taxdollar spent. Take away that which the politician sees as his purpose. The real control is then where it belongs - with the people, both as a whole and individually. Because money has always been the basic weapon/tool/trump card. But then I also believe ya can't fix something that's wrong. Best to walk away from it and enjoy things that are right. Somebody told a lie a very long time ago and lies only beget lies. They gotta try to make the lie sound like the truth, because you can't make the truth sound like a lie.

  2. My final reason I refuse to vote is because I don't need anybody to make any decisions for me. And I hate the idea of making them for anybody else. I am responsible for everything I do. Everything I have ever done I did because I chose to do it. Mistakes? They happen. Sometimes ya can't see every domino that you tip by tipping the first. Doesn't change your reason for tipping that first one. Doesn't mean you can't regret having tipped it when you see the end. And then if you feel obligated to correct it, go ahead. But I am not comfortable with judging another person for doing anything they chose to do. The decision should never be mine to make. I make my decisions. I like being busy doing what I want to do. If I put my nose in someone elses life, then I am not dealing with mine. Every person has the right to be very selfish in this manner because it's right. I also don't see anybody being able to ponder the grey area between right and wrong because there isn't such a thing. There's right and there's not right. Who would ever do something that they believed to be wrong? I believe that nobody would or could. To act against your own beliefs... No way. Human nature would force the mind to find justification to do the bad or evil deed. It always does. But it is always the choice of the individual not the deed itself that takes action. And one reaps what one has sown. And so lies beget lies. Truth... it doesn't need to justify itself. It just is.
